Industry Experience
I worked for Westin Hotels & Resorts for nearly all of my hospitality career which provided me the experience of servicing demanding guests with the highest attention to detail.
I grew in many roles including serving guests, tending bar, running special events, managing outlets, leading a division.
SaaS Sales and Service
I worked for Intuit, primarily with the QuickBooks product line. I grew my experience with servicing customers and developed a strong business acumen working in different positions.
I held positions: selling and servicing customers, coaching and leading sales and admin teams, providing information as a business analyst, solving considerable challenges and improving results for customers, employees and shareholders as a Process Excellence Black Belt and Master Black Belt, and Sr. Program Manager. I facilitated and led quality improvement initiatives, created and managed a leadership development program, and coached senior leaders in process excellence application to running the business.
Web Development, Marketing, and Management
I led the operations for TekCo Management LLC where I applied many of the skills and experience to improving results.
We developed, managed and marketed websites and e-commerce platforms for different companies. My experience allowed me to help improve the operational efficiency and deliver stronger results, as well as grow my understanding and experience marketing, selling, and servicing virtual customers.
Government Administration
I worked for TruePoint Solutions helping county and local governments improve the experience for their customers and employees.
I assessed and developed improved workflows for everyday tasks in different county departments. I also configured and helped implement software solutions based the enhanced workflows.
I worked for Coventry Workers’ Compensation, and Aetna Company, helping to provide quality for clients.
As a Master Black Belt, I worked on quality improvement projects, infrastructure design, and product design and development. I also helped to teach the organization about Lean Six Sigma methodologies to inculcate the mindset into the DNA of the organization.